Marketing for schools – top tips for creating content for social media

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When creating content for your social media pages it is important to remember to exercise quality control. 

Everything you publish as a school reflects your perception among current families, prospective parents and the wider community.

Similar to if a letter goes home with spelling mistakes or poor grammar, a badly take photo or video can have a reputation impact.

For live events such as sports days or school plays, you may have little control over external factors such as background noise, lighting, etc.

In such cases, it’s advised to get as close to the action as possible and, with videos, keep the content short, 10-15 seconds maximum.

When you can control the environment, it is advised you find a quiet place with strong background visuals. Libraries fit the bill.

With videos, your next consideration is performance. If a child is stumbling over their lines or delivering lines in a monotone voice it is advised you politely encourage them to try again.

The same applies if there is an airplane flying overhead or someone decides to use the nearby photocopy.

The quality of your final product directly reflects on the perception of your school, so make sure your pictures and videos are polished.